Today I've seen on the BBC website the weather forecast. In London, the temperature will oscillate between 0 and 9 C and they'll have a very sunny day.
As soon as I read that, I started feeling that nasty cold wind reaching me while I was standing waiting for my double-deck red bus in front of my school on the way to work.
I felt that discomfort on my face that had become red and ardent since the winter began.
At the same time, all this discomfort and ardency were replaced for a homesickness, I mean, "londonsickness".
I'll never forget, I had just arrived in the royal land of the United Kingdom, when I looked through the window of my house in Kilburn Park, during the winter, and the days were astonishingly sunny outside, offering itselves treacherously, transforming the parks in sparkling pieces of green.
I went out on light clothes and I was always welcomed with the coldest days and with that frozen wind...
I have no words to describe how much I miss that.
terça-feira, 18 de março de 2008
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